Frankie’s Friends JLACF Fund helped Orchid receive lifesaving chemotherapy treatments for a cancerous mass. This is a note from Orchid’s family.
“Dear JLACF Donors,
It is with my deepest gratitude to have the privilege writing this thank you letter to an organization so devoted to the community of helping others, especially pets without a voice. Thank you to this organization, for creating a platform for pet owners to speak upon their pets in need for help. I am whole heartily grateful for this program and the assistance I can potentially receive. Having my mother pass away from cancer 10 years years ago, and now 10 years later my cat having the same disease and unable to afford treatment is heart breaking, I cannot bare putting my cat down knowing she has a good prognosis with treatment. If I get approved to receive assistance it would bring my cat and I immense relief knowing she will be able to get another chance to live her fun loving life with the ability and chance to complete her treatment. Your assistance will not only remove some of the financial burden of Orchids treatment, it also poses inspiration knowing there is genuine care in humanity to help our communities and pets when we are in need. I have never been in a situation of dire need of assistance to help my cat overcome a terminal illness. This experience and observation of donation programs like yourselves have inspired me to pass the torch of donation for those in need. Being in nursing school, I understand the importance of helping those in need and the importance of donating to organizations that are important to you to give back to the community. I will not be in this financial deficit forever, when I am financially stable I vow to donate what was giving back to me plus more. Being given the opportunity for a donation is truly heart warming and is an experience that will never leave my heart. This is not only a donation for my financial needs but a life long experience and perspective of donations to community non-profit organizations.
Thank you JLACF for your generosity.”