Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Fudge receive emergency surgery for a mass removal. This is a note from her family.

I would like to thank you for assisting with my fur baby, Fudge’s surgery. Her life is now back to normal and she is able to enjoy her family and the outdoors again. Fudge has been part of our family since she was 6 weeks old. She was purchased in NM while we were stationed at Fort Bliss, TX. She had a brother who was stolen a few years ago and it changed her a great deal as they were very close, but they both grew up with my four children and was such a joy to have around. Fudge and her brother was purchased after our first labrador passed away from parvo and they changed the atmosphere of our household in so many ways. She was/is truly a blessing to us. She’s a calm sweet, loving pooch who is very connected to my family and we are connected to her. Although my children are adults and teens, none of us were/are ready to let her go. Considering her condition and my unexpected change in my financial situation, and it being hard to watch her groan in pain and not be able to move around as normal. It is a relief to see her back to her old self. So we are very thankful for your help in getting her back on track to a normal life. Thank you!
— Fudge's family
