Frankie’s Friends helped Franco receive emergency surgery for cruciate repair. This is a note from Franco’s family.

Franco came to us at a very difficult time for our family considering what I have been through the past couple years and thus what my kids have gone through as well. We have all wanted a dog for so long, and I was hesitant because of finances, but when we started fostering Franco we just immediately fell in love with him and he with us. Franco came to us with a broken tail and a limp. He had been in the shelter for 8 months already, and because he is 7 years old, people kept passing him up. But for us, he is the most perfect dog ever. My kids always say “we got so lucky!”. And we did. Franco is just so sweet and calm and cuddly. He is happy just to be near us and chase squirrels and bunnies! But he is in a lot of pain and has been walking less and less, which also means he has been putting on weight (he is definitely a food-aholic!) which is not good for him or for his joints. My kids feel so proud that we were able to rescue a dog that needed a caring and loving home. Franco loves car rides and loves to come everywhere with us! And we love for him to, but now because of the pain we have to be really careful of not putting added stress on him. I have so many continued medical expenses because of the trauma to my eye, and I am trying my best to work as much as possible and provide for my entire family. This help means everything to us and gives Franco the life he deserves. Thank you!
— Franco's Family
