Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Junior receive lifesaving surgery to remove a foreign body. this is a note from Junior’s family.

Junior has been our baby boy for 8 years now. He has grown up with our kids, he is a part of our family. He is very healthy so this is such an unexpected wrong turn for us, he loves to play with my 5 kids. All boys. So technically we have 6 boys. Juju is our 6th. Juju is what the kids call him. He loves us and we love him. If he doesn’t get this surgery he won’t be able to eat due to intestinal blockage, and won’t survive. He is already dehydrated from not being able to keep anything down. Luckily they have him on fluids right now. We just lost my grandpa in December and my 23 year old brother in January. I do not want to lose my best friend also. Thank you for this miracle. And for answering our prayers! As we are currently praying so hard! Thank you.
— Junior's Family
