Frankie’s Friends helped Diego receive life-saving emergency care for an obstruction.

Thank you so much for donating to help my sweet boy, Diego! Your generosity means more to us then words could ever describe. I’ve had Diego since the day he was born when I was 15; I love him with all of my heart. He’s a son to me and I can’t imagine having to live a life without him so early ! We know that times aren’t easy for anyone right now and the fact you’ve opened your heart to him as well means the world to me! Thank you helping keep my boy happy, healthy, and pain free! You are a blessing to our family and we appreciate you more than I can express. ❤️ Being approved and receiving assistance to keep my boy alive, healthy, and at home is the miracle I’ve been wishing for all week. 🙏🏼 When it rains it pours and my family needs a village right now and we appreciate you welcoming us into your village so much!
— Diego's Family
