Thank you for hosting a page on Frankie's Friends to support our family during the difficult days following Chase's accident.  The outpouring of support, prayers, encouragement and financial assistance were a huge blessing to our family.

The donations quickly added up to make a substantial contribution in our overall vet bills.  We were speechless and the words "thank you" can't begin to tell you how much it meant to us and the burden it lifted off of us so we could start moving through the grief.

We continue to tell others about Frankie's Friends and we will continue to point people to your amazing organization.  I'm happy to report that we will be bringing home a new yellow lab puppy on June 21st.  It's been very quiet around our house...Chase is missed very much. He was an important part of bringing our family together and each of us have many great stories to share about him.  We each have our favorite memory that we will hold on to forever.  He was a wonderful companion and part of our family.  We loved him very much and miss him every day!

God's peace and continued blessing to you and Frankie's Friends.
