Frankie’s Friends and the JLACF fund helped Baci to get chemo treatments for Osteoscarcoma. This is a note from Baci’s family.
“Baci is an 11 year old Australian Labradoodle who was diagnosed with Canine Osteosarcoma on June 24 2019. I have had him since he was 8 weeks old. He helped me though my recovery from a serious accident in which I could not walk for 4 months. Now he needs my help. He is very healthy (other than the Osteosarcoma) and has had amputation surgery on his right front arm to remove the tumor. He is learning to walk all over again on 3 legs and struggling but does not give up. Baci is on a 12 week chemotherapy treatment plan and then he will be receiving a vaccine to save his life. He is super friendly, LOVES people, sweet, smart and strong willed. He misses his daily walks (we used to walk 3-4 miles a day) but still tries so hard and can go a short distance. When he gets tired he lets me pull him in a wagon. I am a teacher and love helping others. I just wish I could do more for Baci. He has given me such joy throughout the years and is truly my best buddy. I am so grateful for support in helping Baci to continue his life as he is not ready for it to end and either am I. Thank you sincerely with all my heart!”
January 23, 2020
It is with a shattered heart that I compose this email to you as my
precious Baci Bear has passed on. :-( He was responding so well to the
chemo and immunotherapy and we thought he was clear, however, he began
limping again and this time it was an osteosarcoma tumor on one of his
hind legs. The next day he could not even walk. It all happened so
fast and unexpected. He was happy until the day he died and fought to
the bitter end as he loved life. Although my heart aches every day for
Baci, the only comfort I have is knowing that he is not in pain and
that he is running free in heaven. I wanted to reach out sooner but
honestly, this has been SO painful. Baci was my first dog and was with
me all day long for the past 12 years as I work from a home office.
His absence causes me heartache every day and I pray to find the
strength to accept this.
Thank you so much for your help with his medical bills. Without the
treatments. Baci would not have had the extra 6 months of life and
although it was a challenge for him learning to walk as a tripod he
did it and was SO happy every day until the day he could not walk. His
eyes said it all...he needed help. Below is a picture of Baci on his
last day of life in our world. I pray that his afterlife in heaven is
way better than what our sometimes very cruel world has to offer.
Please know that as soon as I can dig myself out of debt from the vet
bills (Baci was TOTALLY worth it) I am committed to supporting efforts
to finding a Canine Osteosarcoma cure and also to helping others with
their treatment so that no dog has to endure this horrible disease.
Thank you again with gratitude,
Baci Bear’s Family