Frankie’s Friends helped Coco when he was treated at BluePearl in Paramus, NJ after being hit by a car. This is a note from Coco’s family.
Coco’s Update!
“I just want to thank you a million times for making Coco’s care more affordable and his chance of a normal life possible again. His recovery has been slow but steady as he can’t stand for long periods of time but every day his ability to move around improves. I take him out in a stroller for fresh air as he loves to go outside and can’t walk well yet. He’s thrilled to be home and loves being cuddled and cared for while he snacks all day. ”
Dear Frankie's Friends,
I want to take a moment to thank your organization and blessed donors who help many families in need like mine. My dog Coco was recently the victim of a hit and run that almost took his life and limb. BluePearl Veterinary Partners- Paramus have saved his life and limbs but the cost for these emergency treatments have far exceeded what my family could afford. I'm currently not working due to preparing to relocate to Japan when I marry my fiance next month as she is Active Duty Army and is stationed there. Myself, her 11-year-ald daughter and Coco will join her once we are legally married.
Coco is not a pet to our family, he is so much more and that is why we have maxed out the credit limit on our family credit card and are reaching out for assistance.
Coco has touched the lives of many people in his eight months of existence. Coco came from an impoverished area of Korea where my fiance was stationed last year. He was only a month old, and she had to have him treated for aliments like poor digestion, ring worm, and an ear, nose and throat infection. Frankly I didn't know if he would make it. She took him to work with her every day and the Soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division all got attached to him quickly so I created an lnstagram account (@Coco_Birk), so that everyone could keep tabs on their new favorite friend.
Coco came into my fiance's life at one of the lowest times, Christmas Eve 2018, when she was alone overseas and battling suicidal ideations, he gave her a purpose and the best companion anyone could ever hope for. He was instant joy and warmed my heart and the heart of those who met him. Alt. the months progressed he got stronger and was no longer sick so she flew him to me in Seattle and I flew him to New York where I lived until she joined us two months later.
My fiance finished her tour in Korea and was reunited with Coco, myself, and her 11- year-old daughter. We all drove down to Miami from New York to visit family. Of course, Coco Joined us, stopping al every landmark so that we kept his lnstagram and followers up-to-date on his fabulous life that was never a guarantee from the beginning. He is our lucky baby. Soon after, we decided to have him certified as a service animal due to my fiance's post-traumatic stress disorder. We also signed him up to volunteer at the American Red Cross, starting a Pet Therapy Program at Camp Zama, Japan where we will be joining my fiance after the wedding. He is great with people and animals of all ages. Which is why he went to greet a dog that was walking by the driveway of my home when he got struck by a motorist who was not paying attention and continued driving at the same rate of speed, leaving the scene, causing life-threatening damage to our son.
Coco is scheduled to be the ring-bearer at our wedding August 30, 2019. He has a custom suit being made for him prior to the accident, which hasn't arrived yet. Coworkers from Korea and all the other people who know him planned on seeing him et the wedding, so his accident crushed our hearts and we were willing to cancel the wedding due to the financial and emotional strain caused by this incident, but putting him to sleep was not an option tor us as long as hope remained for his survival. He's an amazing soul. After the wedding, my family will join me in Japan for the next three years and he will continue blessing people who are suffering emotionally and physically with his gift of healing others. Thank you.