On 10/23 Ju Ju was playing in the backyard with his Husky sibling, Jean. Ju Ju and Jean managed to break the fence and escape the back yard. We saw they had escaped the fence and saw them run across the yard. Upon running outside to try to corral Ju Ju and Jean, Ju Ju darted into the road and was struck by a vehicle. The vehicle that struck Ju Ju only briefly stopped and then sped off. Ju Ju was immediately brought in on Emergency for treatment. Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped JuJu receive lifesaving care for traumatic pneumothorax, pulmonary contusions and femoral fracture at BluePearl in northern Florida.

This is a note from Juju’s family.

This assistance means the world to us ! Ju Ju and Jean are our family! I just transitioned out of the military and Ju Ju has been by my side during this transition. He is my support system. Being able to treat him means the world.
— JuJu's Family
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