Frankie’s Friends National Funds helped Khloe receive surgery for a ruptured disc causing paralysis in her back legs. This is a note from Khloe’s family.
“Your assistance means the world to not just myself, but to my daughter and grandparents as well. From the moment this has happened, all of us have been completely heart broken. Khloe is our sidekick. My grandparents don’t have much anymore that they do remember or connect with as they have dementia, and suffer from memory loss- however Khloe is the one thing that they love with all of their heart. Since Khloe has been going through this, my grandparents have been suffering terribly. I have not seen a smile cross either of their faces. Khloe is the one thing that brings them happiness and makes them feel not so lost. The day that this all happened was my daughters 10th birthday (feb 23) and she has not been herself since. Everyone around me seems to be suffering at the thought of us not being able to bring our girl back home. If we were able to get any type of assistance, we would be so grateful. It would feel as if our family was back together again. I don’t have much to offer, however I can offer my time in return if anyone was ever in need of a foster, transportation for their pets needs, those types of things I am able to physically do. We are all at a loss right now and I am not sure which direction to go. We all just want our girl back home with us.”