Frankie’s Friends National Funds helped Monty receive the care he needs for large cell lymphoma. This is a note from Monty’s family.
“I appreciate your donation for my loving cat Monty, more than I could ever express in words. He has been my best friend for the past 10 years, so funny and with me through the highs and lows. When he got sick, I felt sick for weeks too because based on his symptoms I just had the worst feeling that it was not a quick easy fix. I knew we had to act quickly to figure it out and get treatment going, so it was not even a second thought for me to start paying for his care with my credit card. With being a nursing student, a mother, and now this financial on top, it has been stressful, but I will try and figure anything out for him that I could. So, with your help, that gives him some more time with me and my daughter, to bring joy to our lives and be loved. I plan to donate back to the organization once I obtain my nursing career, because I am so thankful for the donation, and I know how important it is to give back because I want to help another animal in need as well.”