Frankie’s Friends JLACF Fund helped Jade receive the emergency care she needed for an mandibulectomy for oral cancer. This is a note from her family.

If it wasn’t for organizations like this I would not be able to help my baby girl, Jade, fight cancer. I am eternally grateful to the many people who help support foundations like this in helping others who do not have the means to help their pets recover from an illness like cancer. She isn’t a just a dog to me, she is my world. Without her, is like being without your child. She is the greatest joy to come home to after college and work. I am so grateful and appreciative for any and all assistance and support to help my baby fight and overcome cancer. Saying Thank you isn’t enough because your not only saving her life, but my own, because she is my life. I have always put her needs above my own because she needs me. I always make sure she has everything she needs. I want to be able to continue that despite my inability to afford surgical treatment. Words cannot express how much my heart appreciates this help.
— Jade's Family
