Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Karter get the lifesaving care he needed for hemogastric enteritis at BluePearl in Lees Summit MO. This is an update from Karter’s family.

I want to thank you for literally saving my baby!
I would like to share my story. Karter had been sick that day. He had thrown up a few times and was just not feeling his regular spunky self. So I called my local vet and took him in. The vet checked him over. And decided that he had a stomachache and gave him a shot to help him not throw up and for nausea. I brought him home and was babying him. My husband usually works late on Saturday night. We were up getting him settled in and all of a sudden we heard a horrible groan from Karter. My heart sunk but I calmly instructed my husband to grab a blanket while I got dressed and we headed off to BluePearl in Lee’s Summit. Karter had another accident in the car. I was terrified but continue to stay calm because I didn’t want to make my baby feel worse. BluePearl was absolutely packed that night. I realized then I could lose my baby.

After examining Karter, The vet told me he needed 24 hour antibiotics fluids because he was continuing to defecate blood what seemed like every hour on the hour. Once the vet told me the treatment and the cost I was numb. It was 3 o’clock in the morning and with the Covid running rampant and everyone’s hours getting cut at work, and the trip to the vet just hours before we very little money to our name. I tried to apply for care credit and was denied. I felt helpless, hopeless! My baby was dying in there and I couldn’t save him. Then the vet told me about Frankie‘s Friends. And how they help people that can’t afford treatment for their dogs. And that they would cover our bill. I think they chose me because my dog is so young. He turned 4 years old on Nov. 29,2020. Also the vet saw how distressed and heartbroken we were. I felt so blessed that we were chosen to get to help.

So my husband and I went home without our baby. When we got home my house was not the same. It was missing our spunky, loving boy. We went and got Karter that Sunday morning. I think in a 24 hour period of him being in BluePearl I probably called 14 times to check on his status. After we got home we could tell Karter had a really rough stay. He doesn’t do good without his mommy. And of course he was very sick. They said that if he did not get the 24 hour treatment that there was a very high chance he was not going pull through. For the first week I had him on a chicken and rice diet. He shows signs of great improvement almost immediately. He was hungry and thirsty. We monitored closely his bowel movements. The veterinarian had diagnosed him with HGE. It took him a few weeks to get back to his regular self and build up his energy.

He has made a full recovery! Although I still monitor his bowel movements and everything that goes in his mouth. I have told as many people as I could about for his friends in BluePearl for what they’ve done for me and my family. I cannot be more grateful and more thankful for the help we received. I can honestly say that without Frankie’s Friends I probably wouldn’t have my baby. It has been a really rough year and what a special Christmas blessing it was! Thank-you! We will always remember what was done for us and have plans for donating money to Frankie’s Friends whenever we get a chance. Attached will be some photos of Karter. There are so many I had a hard time choosing just a few. 

Thank you! And God Bless! 
— Karter's Family
