Frankie’s Friends JLACF Fund helped Halo receive life changing radiation treatments for a brain meningioma. This is a note from Halo’s family.

UPDATE! Some super cute photos from Halo’s family: Hi guys! Thought you might like to see some recent pics of Halo from the 4th of July. The little boy is my friend’s son who says he wants 20,000 Halos because he’s the best doggie ever lol.

Hello and thank you for helping my angel, Halo. I cannot begin to express what an amazing boy he is! We have kind of a cool story that began on Thanksgiving weekend three years ago when I found my boy in the middle of the desert. He was in bad shape as I suspect he’d been in the desert for a long period of time. He walked out of the bushes, straight to me and set his head on my lap and looked up at me with the sad eyes and I made a promise to God that I would take care of this creature of his. I had no desire to take on another pet but who could leave a helpless animal out in the desert? Certainly not me! So I took him home with me and to the vet the next day as he needed medical treatment. He was obviously malnourished and he was a gigantic dreadlock from what I could see. I figured I would get him a clean bill of health and find him his forever home. Little did I know, he was already there! Within a matter of days, I realized this dog was like no other and I fell head over heals in love with him, just as anyone else does who meets him. He truly is the sweetest, most loving and gentle little soul. I’m single with no children and he is my baby. He is all I have and he’s been my shadow since I brought him home. The past couple years have been tough, starting a hip surgery that didn’t go well, the loss of my mother six months ago and of course, 2020 has been a trying year in itself for everyone. He’s been here for me through all of this and I just can’t bare to lose him. Your help is greatly appreciated and through this all, with the people who donated to us on the gofundme that we don’t even know, it has definitely touched me and I will pay it forward once I can get back to work and become financially stable again. Again, thank you, and God bless!
— Halo's Family
