Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Baby receive the emergency surgery she needed at BluePearl in Duluth, MN for dystocia and a c-section. This is a note from Baby’s family.

You will never know how much you mean to my family. You see I got sick, my family knew I did not feel good but they did not know where to turn or what to do. They tried to make me as comfortable as possible and had their fingers crossed that what was going on with me would pass. Every vet they called told them the same thing - there was to long of a wait and they knew I couldn’t wait. My mom and dad have had a few stressful days and sleepless nights all they wanted was for me to be all right. They could not afford this bill. I was a soldier throughout this. I was coming to the end of my fight and I was very tired and worn out with 72hrs of pushing and contractions and there was still babies stuck, they were making me sick. I went to an animal hospital earlier this morning had the exam and my doc came out with a $600 estimate to do a couple test. We had a few friends that were ready to help us out but they wouldn’t take payments from multiple people and it was nowhere near enough. My family didn’t know where to turn. The only solution they felt was to sign me over to animal allies to save my life. Good thing they never called back because we heard of a wonderful place called BLUEPEARL. We gave them a call late at night and they took countless numbers of phone calls and had the patience to talk to everyone that was worried about me and wanted to help. Then they told my mom about FRANKIE’S FRIENDS and it was the biggest relief of the night. Finally I will be OKAY and I will soon feel better because you helped save my life and I am able to stay with my family and for that WE could never repay you. We hope we will be able to help with your program and we will pay this forward.

There are too many family’s that lose their pets because they cannot afford the vet bills and there are not a lot of places if any that will do the care and take the payments later.

Your program is truly something SPECIAL
— Baby's Family

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