Frankie’s Friends helped Marley receive lifesaving surgery at BluePearl in Tampa where she had an FHO performed for a fractured pelvis. This is a note from her family.

Marley is a 3 1/2 year old Golden Retriever I have had since birth. My daughter is the owner of her mother and her sister, Marleys mom Layla had Marley on her birthday. They all share the same birthday. Marley had puppies 9 days prior to her accident. We bred her with a standard poodle, she has 4 puppies. We have had to bottle feed the puppies since Marleys accident. The puppies are doing fine, their names are Milo, Oliver, Honey, and Chloe. We were having our split rail fence replaced with a 3 rail fence with wire on the backside. We were doing this because Marley likes to chase squirrels and she goes thru the split in the old fence. On the day of Marleys accident the fence people came and took down the old fence and were going to complete the installation of the new fence the following day. That evening around 9 pm I was taking Marley out to go to the bathroom. I had Marley on her leash and I bent down to put my flip flops on and when I did a cat ran across my yard and Marley took off after the cat leash and all. My 11 year old came out to help me get Marley in and she called for Marley. Marley came running from the front of the neighbors yard across the street. When Marley was running across the street to come come a van came around the corner and hit Marley. We took Marley to out local emergency vet in Lakeland and the on call vet advised us that Marley had a shattered pelvis and a fractured left leg. She recommended that we euthanize Marley. Marley did not have any blood on her on the outside, she was sitting up on her hind legs, and she was not crying or acting like she had a lot of pain at all. I am sure she was in shock but she still was able to sit up and no visible signs of injury. I asked the ER vet if there was someone else we could speak with, this is when she said we could take her to BluePearl where they have specialist in Orthopedics for dogs. We drove Marley to Blue Pearl in Tampa. Dr Lee and her staff were excellent with Marley. Dr Lee performed surgery on Marley that required her placing a screw in Marleys sacrum to hold her Pelvis together as well as amputating Marleys tail. Dr Lee was also the person who told me about Frankies Friends. We are forever grateful for the assistance of Frankie’s Friends, and Dr Lee and the staff at BluePearl. Without any of you Marley and my family’s future would have been a very sad one. We are forever grateful. I have enclosed some photos for you all.
— Marley's Family
