Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Liberty receive the emergency surgery she needed for a broken femur at BluePearl in Eden Prairie MN. This is a note from Liberty’s family.

Our dog Liberty was involved in a freak accident at 4 months old, my husband was holding her on the 4 wheeler and her leash fell and got caught, pulling her under the 4 wheeler tire, we frantically called everywhere but on a Saturday at 5:30pm our only hope was driving 3 hours to Blue Pearl emergency vet.

She cried in pain most the way, we held and hugged her the whole way, trying to keep her calm.

They got her in right away and we found out she had a broken femur and needed surgery, something we couldn’t afford.

Thankfully one of the doctors there told us about Frankie’s Friends and said she would be a great candidate. She was approved and had surgery that Monday, we were so thankful she got the surgery she needed.

Liberty has been recovering well and is getting stronger every day! She is a happy, healthy puppy! Thank you to all the wonderful staff who cared for her at BluePearl and thank you to Frankie’s Friends for helping her get the surgery she needed. We will forever be thankful for you!

The pics below are her, first night in the hospital, the broken femur, her after surgery picture, the thank you one is a few weeks after recovery and the other two are from a few days ago. Thank you!
— Liberty's Family
