Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Pippy receive lifesaving surgery at BluePearl in Cary NC. This is a note from Pippy’s family.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to Frankie’s Friends for the Hope Fund. Pippy is my heart dog, my best friend since I was 14, ten years ago now. She’s seen me through the most wonderful (and the most traumatic) parts of growing up, and I owe her the same devotion she’s given me all these years.

We were utterly lost when our older dog, Bella, attacked her that morning. We weren’t ready for such a shock, and we didn’t have the funds to pay for Pip’s surgery when the damage turned out much deeper than we’d imagined. To make matters worse, we had to make the painful, merciful decision to put Bella to sleep a few days later, to save her from sliding further into the fog. She’d been on a decline for a year or two, but this was the breaking point.

The Hope Fund gave us the security to focus on the dogs without stressing over money we didn’t have. We were able to send Bella off as peacefully and cheerfully as possible, while she still recognized the ones she loved, and to get Pippy better without the threat of having to give her up too. Thank you forever, from the bottom of our damaged but healing hearts. We will never forget this.
— Pippy's Family
