Frankie’s Friends JLACF Fund helped Annabelle receive life changing chemotherapy treatments for Lymphoma. This is a note from Annabelle’s family.
“It’s hard to express just how impactful this financial assistance is.
Annabelle entered my life after rupturing my spleen in 2015 and has remained my number one companion since that happened. I very often refer to her as my north star - my constant. Over the years I’ve had her, I’ve lost friends to illness, moved states, traveled, taken incredible lunges in life with her being the one most consistent part of my life. She’s helped me in my physical recovery and been absolutely instrumental in my mental health the past 7 years we’ve been together. I truly don’t know what I would have done without her. The idea of not being able to give her the care she deserves would haunt me and keep me up at night - this pup has given her all to me and I have always felt I owed it to her to do the same. She’s come with me on every journey I’ve taken and has made life seem that much brighter. She’s been a lighthouse when I’ve felt lost at sea. She’s my northern light in a southern town. She gives me hope and has been an inspiration in resilience and fortitude, love and poise. If I could take her cancer as my own, I would.
To receive this assistance is to receive a fresh breath of air in my lungs. It’s like turning on the light in a very dim world. I don’t think they’ve created the words to quantify exactly what this, and she, mean to me.
From the bottom of both of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for even considering us, for your desire to help, for the impact you’ve made. Most importantly thank you for inspiring me to want to do the same as I now know just how meaningful this type of assistance is.
Thank you for turning on the light.”