Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Jax receive the emergency surgery he needed for a leg amputation resulting from a severely broken leg at BluePearl in Murphreesboro TN. This is a note from Jax’s family.
“We are so extremely grateful for the help from Frankie’s Friends! My daughter’s (Grace) cat, Jax, was an indoor/outdoor cat. He would roam around and play outside during the day, and when it got dark he would come inside for bed. One night he did not come in and Grace was upset that we could not find him. The next morning, he was still nowhere to be found. We went into town to run some errands and were gone most of the day. When we returned home, my husband saw Jax under his truck in the garage. He called for him but he only meowed and wouldn’t move. That’s when he noticed that his leg was broken. He brought him inside and we started calling places to see where to take him since our Vet was closed for the weekend. Jax handled everything so well at the Vet and everyone said he was so sweet. When we were told his leg would have to be amputated, we did not know how we would be able to pay for it. Our dog had just had surgery the week before for Kidney Stones. She had to be on a special prescription dog food and get regular x-rays so that we can be sure she doesn’t get them again. Grace is only 15 years old and had been working part time for a couple of months and saving almost all her money. She told me she had $500 in her savings. She was willing to give any money that she had to pay for the surgery. We were so surprised and grateful when they told us about Frankie’s Friends and how they were going to help pay for Jax’s surgery! I literally cried tears of happiness. Jax is everything to my daughter, he is her baby. We picked Jax up the next afternoon and everyone was talking about how well he was doing. He did not whine or complain at all. Grace brought him a balloon and a basket with treats and toys. We stopped and got him a free treat at Starbucks on the way home! He had to stay in the carrier for a while and was then confined to Grace’s room for his protection. We were amazed at how well and quickly he adjusted to everything. He is now allowed to roam the house freely, but will no longer go outside. He likes to sit in his stroller and look out the window. He is such a sweet, loving, affectionate cat. We want to thank everyone at Frankie’s Friends and everyone who donates from the bottom of our hearts.”