Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped David Hasselfluff receive lifesaving treatment for smoke inhalation at BluePearl in Kirkland WA, after being rescued from a devastating house fire. This is a note from his family.
“Well, first off, let me say thank you very much for the assistance. Insurance doesn’t cover vet bills, so we knew this was going to be a big financial hit, but after everything we went through we needed him to pull through.
Fluff survived the fire, our other cat, Bruce Lee, perished. This has really hit our entire family hard, but especially Hasslefluff. They were super close and spent so much time together. Bruce has been with us through the birth of our kids and he was a super loving cat. Not having him around feels like we got half our family back. So I just want you to know that everything is tinged with a deep aching grief.
Physically he is doing well, but he is traumatized and grieving in the same way the rest of us are. He hides most of the time and only comes out for loving at night. There are glimmers though. Last night I heard him looking for things to play with for the first time. I dug out some toys and heard him playing with them. Hopefully he’ll start coming out more soon. I am trying to find something to help with his anxiety. Unfortunately I think the only thing that will fix some of this is time, and hiding and not coming out is what we all want to do right now.
I have some photos of him after the fire, but I am also including some of him with our other kitty from before the fire.”