In Loving Memory of Tito


In Loving Memory of Tito

Tito is missed very much, but I'm grateful for all the years of memories we shared. He was a loyal little friend from the moment he entered my life until the end, and I couldn't have ever asked for a better little dog.


In Loving Memory of Daphne


In Loving Memory of Daphne

I am finally in a place where I can return the generosity so that others may have the chance to save their special boys and girls and constant companions, and am happy to do so. Miss you and love you every day, Peanut Butter!


In Memory of My Beloved George


In Memory of My Beloved George

George was a big little boy; he weighed 152 pounds, and stood 36 inches tall at the shoulders. He never growled or snarled in all his life. He loved his sisters, and he loved me, and I loved him.


In Loving Memory of Rambo


In Loving Memory of Rambo

That cute little face brought so many smiles and touched so many hearts. He will be missed more than a tiny chihuahua could have imagined possible. After constantly having this little guy at our sides for the last 8 years, his absence is beyond tangible. Thank you our sweet friend for your love, your loyalty, companionship and LOTS of entertainment.
